News & Updates
N.C. Statewide Workers Fightback Conference
Saturday Sept. 21, 201310:00am - 4:00pm (Attend on your way home from AFL-CIO convention in Wilmington) Vital Link School 1214 E. Lenoir Street, Raleigh, NC** (Corner of Rock Quarry Road) ** note updated address! RSVP Today by emailing The...
Southern Workers Assembly unites with the March on Washington
50th Anniversary shows need to ignite mass struggle! [download id=1435 format=3]
Workers struggle forces international rulings on public sector collective bargaining rights ban
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No More Trayvon Martins or George Zimmermans – Organize the South!
Southern Workers Assembly statement: The Southern Workers Assembly (SWA), along will millions across the U.S. and internationally are outraged by the Sanford, Florida court’s no guilty verdict of George Zimmerman, the racial profiler, stalker and murderer of unarmed,...
Southern Workers Assembly: A Rank-and-file Call to Action for Labor to Mobilize to Join the Front Line Struggle
Starting in late April and continuing into July, several thousand people from across North Carolina, lead by Rev. William Barber II, President of the NC NAACP have marched every Monday into the state legislative building in Raleigh and packed the rotunda. Over 600...
FLOC and allies March on Reynolds Shareholders Meeting and Demand the Company do More Than Talk
Farmworkers and their supporters turned out in full force on May 9 at the Reynolds American 2013 Shareholders Meeting. At one of the largest and most energetic events since the beginning of the campaign, over 300 people including labor, clergy, students,...
Georgia Teamster sanitation workers organize and vote to strike
Sanitation workers in McDonough, Ga., walk out By Dianne Mathiowetz on April 28, 2013 An important labor strike is happening in McDonough, Ga., just south of Atlanta. Workers at Republic Services/Allied Waste are members of Teamsters Local 728 who won their election...
SWA Stands with Exploited Filipino Workers in Louisiana
On November 16, 2012, three Filipino “guestworkers” were killed in an explosion while working for Black Elk Energy Company in Louisiana waters. These workers were lured to Louisiana with the offer of employer-provided housing and high wages, but arrived to live and...
Charlotte, N.C., city workers win important victory
By Dante Strobino on January 22, 2013 The City Council in Charlotte, N.C., voted 6-5 on Jan. 14 to approve payroll dues deduction for all five city worker unions with no membership restrictions. Charlotte will join three other North Carolina cities, Raleigh, Durham...
ILA Leaders Featured on Radio Free Georgia
The East Coast dock workers' struggle for a fair contract will be featured this afternoon on Radio Free Georgia's The Labor Forum. Listen today, Dec 26 at 4:30pm Eastern time to WRFG at 89.3FM or at Today's guest will be Ken Riley of...