Message to non-union Southern workers from the Southern Workers’ Assembly (SWA)

All forward-thinking Southern workers congratulate the UAW and celebrate with VW
workers for their smashing organizing victory in Chattanooga. May this be the first of
many victories in our region.

The workers and their Union will now move quickly to set up their stewards’ system to
enforce fair treatment on the shop floor. Collective bargaining with VW will very
soon begin based on the workers’ demands at the Chattanooga plant. The organizing
effort continues until a superior union contract is negotiated and approved by vote of the
new UAW-VW members.

The Southern working class, union or not, will benefit from a high-quality contract and it
is in all of our interests to support the UAW’s contract bargaining including strike action
if necessary.

We look forward to a Southern Auto Workers Council uniting workers from all the
different corporations in one powerful concentration of working class influence.

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