Aug 9: All Out for Solidarity City!
Aug 9: All Out for Solidarity City! Workers Fighting To Organize the South! August 9 | 10am-5pm | 803 Harris St, Goldsboro, NC Visit the Facebook Event Page On Saturday, August 9 workers from across NC and other Southern states will gather in Goldsboro, NC for...
Moral Mondays: the emergence & dynamics of a growing mass human rights movement
This statement is written in the build-up to a Southern-wide Mass Moral March, which is the 8th Annual Historic Thousands on Jones Street, on Saturday, February 8 in Raleigh, N.C. bringing together hundreds of unions, civil rights, anti-war, women's rights,...
Solidarity with N.C. Teacher’s Walk-in
Southern Workers Assembly Salutes the November 4 Education Worker Walk-In's On Monday, November 4 thousands of teachers, bus drivers, housekeepers, kitchen and other education workers from several dozen schools across the state of North Carolina organized a "walk-in"...
Stop the Attacks on Labor’s Democratic and Human Rights:
Drop the Charges Against Moral Monday Labor Rights Arrestee Saladin Muhammad! Sign the petition to stop attacks on labor's constitutional rights to protest! The opening trial for the 940 North Carolina Moral Mondays Campaign arrestees started with the case of Saladin...
Georgia Teamster sanitation workers organize and vote to strike
Sanitation workers in McDonough, Ga., walk out By Dianne Mathiowetz on April 28, 2013 An important labor strike is happening in McDonough, Ga., just south of Atlanta. Workers at Republic Services/Allied Waste are members of Teamsters Local 728 who won their election...
SWA Stands with Exploited Filipino Workers in Louisiana
On November 16, 2012, three Filipino “guestworkers” were killed in an explosion while working for Black Elk Energy Company in Louisiana waters. These workers were lured to Louisiana with the offer of employer-provided housing and high wages, but arrived to live and...
Stand in Solidarity with the ILA
"At the last gathering of the Southern Workers Assembly in Charleston, SC on December 7-9, 2012, during the Southern Human Rights Organizing Conference, we resolved to stand in solidarity with the ILA in its negotiations for a fair contract for its more than 14,000...
Statement of Solidarity from Eastern Region Executive Board
Greetings of Solidarity! We bring this exciting message following our historic Southern Workers Assembly on September 3rd - Labor Day in Charlotte, NC. Despite the criticisms voiced by many of the big unions against the Democratic Party holding its Democratic National...