Build Worker Power to Organize the South!

The Southern Workers Assembly is a network of local unions, worker organizations, and organizing committees, committed to building rank-and-file democratic social movement unionism as a foundation for organizing, uniting and transforming labor power throughout the South.

Organize the South Rank and File Program

We know that the only way to change the quality of work and life here is to get organized. The Southern Workers Assembly is currently recruiting workers who want to be a part of leading this change, by getting jobs in key strategic industries across the region and digging in for the long-term to build power with their coworkers.

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2024 Southern Worker School Charts Course for Power

Nearly two hundred rank and filers who are developing a movement of workers in the South gathered in Charlotte, NC on May 17 – 19 for the 2024 Southern Worker School. These convenings are the annual organizing conference of the Southern Workers Assembly network, which includes local workers assemblies, worker organizations, and other workers from various sectors and states throughout the region.


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The purpose of the Southern Workers Assembly is to organize rank-and-file workers to achieve a level of worker power through building organization in all kinds of workplaces, uniting them in assemblies, and exercising sufficient power through collectively bargaining contracts with employers, workplace mobilizations, labor and community solidarity, and independent political action.

Learn more about the Southern Workers Assembly



We’ve developed guidance for workers on how to take collective and engage your coworkers on issues on your job, toolkits to develop local workers assemblies, political education resources, and much more to assist workers who want to organize and fight for power on the job and in your community.


Take a look at the materials for building power


There are many active campaigns across the South and ongoing work to develop local workers assemblies. If you want to be a part of the fight to organize the South and build worker power, get in touch with the Southern Workers Assembly today!

Reach out & let’s build

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