by Southern Workers Assembly | May 5, 2022 | News
Under the slogan “Build the Workers Assembly Movement! Organize the South!,” nearly 80 workers from eight Southern states gathered in Durham, North Carolina for a Southern Workers Assembly Organizing School over the weekend of April 29 – May 1. Workers came to the...
by Southern Workers Assembly | Apr 8, 2022 | Amazon, News, Statement
All congratulations to the good workers who led the ALU to its Labor Board election victory in Staten Island New York. Yours is an inspiring example of rank and file worker self-organization to improve working conditions and change corporate policies. The SWA will...
by Southern Workers Assembly | Mar 23, 2022 | News, Workers School
Organize the South! Develop the Workers Assembly Movement! Donate today to help us host a Southern Workers School Throughout the last year, the movement to develop workers assemblies as the basis for developing an independent, rank and file-led workers movement...
by Southern Workers Assembly | Feb 16, 2022 | News, Safe Jobs Save Lives
Gloria Lee, a former Amazon worker, spent her afternoon leading chants and talking to Amazon workers outside a delivery station in east Durham. “Jeff Bezos you can’t hide! We can see your greedy side,” she chanted along with other Amazon workers and...
by Southern Workers Assembly | Feb 14, 2022 | Statement
The Southern Workers Assembly sends our solidarity with the Memphis 7 and all Starbucks workers organizing for rights, safety, and power on the job. We join the calls for Starbucks to immediately rehire these workers and stop their racist union busting campaign....