Spread the Word! Uphold Union Democracy in the ILA!

Thank you for telling ILA International President and the ILA Local 1526 officers to uphold union democracy and allow the nomination of Mike Payne!

Spread the Word! (use form below)

Uphold Union Democracy in the ILA! Allow the Nomination of Mike Payne NOW!

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Your Name:
Your Email:
Subject: Take Action to uphold union democracy and allow the nomination of Mike Payne NOW!
Your Message:  
I have just sent a message asking the International President of the International Longshoremen’s Union and the officers of ILA Local 1526 to uphold union democracy and allow the nomination of Mike Payne NOW!

Please take the time to do the same by clicking on the link at the bottom of this email message.




posted December 6, 2013

Uphold Union Democracy in the ILA! – Spread the Word!

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