Statements, News, & Updates

Solidarity with Guilford County Schools cafeteria workers!

Solidarity with Guilford County Schools cafeteria workers!

The Triad Workers Assembly wants to express our solidarity with cafeteria workers from Guilford County Schools who waged a two-day, sick-out strike on November 27 and 28. These workers are standing up and exercising their labor rights to demand a living wage for the...

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An Open Letter to Chain Retail Pharmacies

An Open Letter to Chain Retail Pharmacies

The Southern Workers Assembly received the following statement from a group of pharmacy workers that support the movement for a strike at Walgreens and CVS from October 30 to November 1. The SWA stands in solidarity with the workers at these chains and beyond that are...

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Organize, Fight, Win – Shop floor struggle at Amazon

Organize, Fight, Win – Shop floor struggle at Amazon

“Why don’t we all go ask?” “What?” “Why don’t we all go? Management can brush it off if it’s just you, but if we all go they can’t ignore that.” It’s a small thing really, a co-worker requesting a religious accommodation that won’t cost the company much money, but...

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Solidarity with Truckers Movement for Justice

Solidarity with Truckers Movement for Justice

On May 1, Truckers Movement for Justice (TMJ) - a grassroots labor organization of truck drivers who work in all areas of the trucking industry - brought truck drivers together from across the country in Washington, DC, for a picket outside the U.S. Department of...

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Organize, Fight, Win – Shop floor struggle at Amazon

Bring the railroads under public ownership

The Southern Workers Assembly joins the Railroad Workers United and a growing number of unions and progressive organizations calling for public ownership of the rail infrastructure in North America. This is a critical initiative that would greatly benefit rail...

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Starting Sept 5: Webinar series on Worker Power Program

Starting Sept 5: Webinar series on Worker Power Program

The Southern Workers Assembly is excited to invite you to join an upcoming webinar series led by Communiversity, an educational partner of Black Workers for Justice, that will explore and discuss the nine points of the Southern Workers Power Program. The series begins...

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Solidarity with Climate Crisis Flood Survivors in Kentucky

Solidarity with Climate Crisis Flood Survivors in Kentucky

The Southern Workers Assembly stands in full solidarity with our working-class and oppressed sisters, brothers and siblings of eastern Kentucky.  The horrendous floods, brought on by decades, if not centuries, of corporate greed and intentional underdevelopment, is...

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